Colour palettes that Nurture

Colour Trends

Colour palettes that Nurture

Photograph: Inga Oeland

Be inspired and empowered to create a nurturing space of your own with the colour stories of Nurture by Taubmans.

The theme of Nurture reflects a collective desire to slow down, to take time to reconnect with nature and community, and also to take time for ourselves.

Inspired by the unique colours of Australia and our diverse and changing lifestyles, colours evolve for 2020 with four palettes of enhanced clarity and layered comfort - ShareProtect, Create and Breathe.

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Photograph: Martina Gemmola


About the people and for the people. Designed with sustainability in mind, and to bring a touch of happiness to shared spaces.


Photograph: Chelsea Cavanaugh


For where it is time to retreat, disconnect, escape the noise and cocoon yourself within a protective bubble.


Photograph: Martí Sans


A colour story for free spirits, featuring rich depths, punchy brights and carefully balanced pales designed for experimentation.


Photograph: Roberto Ruiz


Rediscover the restorative power of nature and ritual.